Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blog exercise 2


Created by renowned Spanish artist during the Surrealist movement, this portrait evoked the imagination of all who lay eyes on it. Titled ‘Honey is Sweeter than Blood’, this image is both beautiful and haunting.

Using the naked body of a woman, it showed the narcissist in all humans. How we all strive to look good and achieve a status of the gods, eminent in the heavenly backdrop of the image, regardless of any price we might pay. The skeletal left hand and the imperfect abdomen, signify the ugliness in these beautiful pursuits. The stand supporting the body underneath the right underarm, also signify how earthly roots how we need to be grounded despite in such a holy world.

Her head and her left shoulders are fading most likely signifying the loss of the individual self and identity in the endless pursuit of material satisfaction. The centaur looking figure at the top right hand corner of the image with his back facing the woman might signify the lack of social support in this new industrial age. Everyone is together physically but not socially. The laggards would only be left behind with the passing of time.

The trees on the clouds signify the reality in this abstractness. Reality right now might seem like a dream but it is impending if nothing is done to prevent it.

However I might not be accurate in trying to portray what the artist originally meant. But I guess that is where he is successful in his surrealistic portrait. The image is so well drawn, that it resembles a photograph. The artist is a genius in his work and social insight.

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